I promise I haven't disappeared. Okay, well maybe I have, but only because I've been buried under piles of journal articles and other school related items. And honestly, there hasn't really been a lot new happening in my kitchen as of late. Class from 4:30-7:10 four days a week (plus a 1/2 hr drive each way) has really been killing the whole making dinner thing. So we've pretty much been sticking to our tried and true recipes... at least on the nights that we actually cook.

I think I do have a recipe or two hiding out that I have yet to post... that is when I get a breather from trying to finish up a big paper I'm working on. In the meantime, I figured I'd give you a couple pictures of a cake my sister and I made for her husband as he's getting ready to be deployed to Louisiana for training, and then Afghanistan for a total of 9 months! Guess they need doctors over there, too... :(

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